Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.1. Momentum

Example 2

John and Bob are standing at rest in middle of a frozen lake so there is no friction between their feet and the ice.
Both of them want to get to shore so they simultaneously push off each other in opposite directions. If John’s mass
is 50 kg and Bob’s mass is 40 kg and John moving at 5 m/s after pushing off Bob, how fast is Bob moving?


For this problem, we will apply conservation of momentum to the whole system that includes both John and Bob.
Since both of them are at rest to start, we know that the total momentum of the whole system must always be zero.
Therefore, we know that the sum of John’s and Bob’s momentum after they push off each other is also zero. We can
use this to solve for Bob’s velocity.

0 =mjvj+mbvb

50 kg∗5 m/s
40 kg
vb=− 6 .25 m/s

The answer is negative because Bob is traveling in the opposite direction to John.

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    a. Press down harder with your shoes as you walk to shore.
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