Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 8. Energy Conservation

a. What is the potential energy of the bob before it is released? (Hint: use geometry to determine the height
when released.)
b. What is its speed when it passes through the midpoint of its swing?
c. Now the pendulum is transported to Mars, where the acceleration of gravity g is 2.3 m/s^2. Answer parts
(a) and (b) again, but this time using the acceleration on Mars.

Answers to Selected Problems

  1. discuss in class

  2. discuss in class

  3. d

  4. discuss in class

  5. b.KE= 504 ,600 J;Ug= 1 , 058 ,400 J;Etotal= 1 , 563 ,000 J

  6. a. 34 m/s at B; 49 m/s at C and F; 28 m/s at D,40 m/s at E,0 m/s at H b. it will make it up to only 90m, so
    30m short of point H

  7. a. 1.7 J b. 1.3 m/s c. 0.4 J, 0.63 m/s

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