Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 9. Rotational Motion


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  1. You spin up some pizza dough from rest with an angular acceleration of 5 rad/s^2.
    a. How many radians has the pizza dough spun through in the first 10 seconds?
    b. How many times has the pizza dough spun around in this time?
    c. What is its angular velocity after 5 seconds?

  2. Driving in your truck, you notice that your speed is 30 m/s. The wheels of your truck are 0.5 meters in radius.
    An ant is stuck on one of your wheels.
    a. What is the rotating speed of the ant in rads per second?
    b. How many radians has the ant covered in 4 seconds?
    c. How many times did the ant go fully around in the 4 seconds (i.e. how many full revolutions did the ant
    Now the truck begins to accelerate at 2m/s^2 for the next 6 seconds.
    a. What is the ants angular acceleration?
    b. After 6 seconds, what is the ants rotational speed in radians per second?
    c. how many full revolutions has the ant made in these 6 seconds while the truck was accelerating?


  1. a. 250 rad b. almost 40 revolutions c. 25 rad/s

  2. a. 60 rads/s b. 240 radians c. 38 full revolutions d. 4rads/s^2 e. 84 rads/s f. 432 revolutions

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