Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 13. Electric Circuits: Batteries and Resistors


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  1. Regarding the circuit below.
    a. If the ammeter reads 2 A, what is the voltage?
    b. How many watts is the power supply supplying?
    c. How many watts are dissipated in each resistor?

  2. Five resistors are wired in series. Their values are 10Ω, 56Ω, 82Ω, 120Ωand 180Ω.
    a. If these resistors are connected to a 6 V battery, what is the current flowing out of the battery?
    b. If these resistors are connected to a 120 V power supply, what is the current flowing out of the battery?
    c. In order to increase current in your circuit, which two resistors would you remove?

  3. Given the resistors above and a 12 V battery, how could you make a circuit that draws 0.0594 A?

Answers to Selected Problems

  1. a. 224 V b. 448 W c. 400 W by 100Ωand 48 W by 12Ω

  2. a. 0.013 A b. 0.27 A c. 120Ωand 180Ω

  3. need about 202Ωof total resistance. So if you wire up the 120Ωand the 82Ωin series, you’ll have it.

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