Peoples Physics Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Centripetal Forces

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  1. You are riding your bicycle and going 8 m/s. Your bicycle wheel is 0.25 m in radius.
    a. What is its angular speed in radians per second?
    b. What is the angular speed in rotations per minute?

  2. The angular speed of a record player is 33 rotations per minute. It has a diameter of 12 inches.
    a. What is the angular speed in radians per second?
    b. What is the tangential speed of the outer most part of the record?
    c. What is its tangential speed halfway out on the record?


  1. a. 32 rads/s b. 306 rot/min

  2. a.3.5 rads/s b. 0.53 m/s c. 0.26 m/s

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