CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.3. Box-and-Whisker Plots


Year∗ Adults Jacks
1996 299 , 590 40 , 078
1997 342 , 876 38 , 352
1998 238 , 059 31 , 701
1998 395 , 942 37 , 567
1999 416 , 789 21 , 994
2000 546 , 056 33 , 439
2001 775 , 499 46 , 526
2002 521 , 636 29 , 806
2003 283 , 554 67 , 660
2004 394 , 007 18 , 115
2005 267 , 908 8 , 048
2006 87 , 966 1 , 897

Figure: Total Fall Salmon Escapement in the Sacramento River. source:

  • During the years from 1971 to 1995, only 5-year averages are available.

In case you are not up on your salmon facts there are two terms in this chart that may be unfamiliar. Fish escapement
refers to the number of fish who “escape” the hazards of the open ocean and return to their freshwater streams and
rivers to spawn. A “Jack” salmon is a fish that returns to spawn before reaching full adulthood.

(a) Create one line graph that shows both the adult and jack populations for those years. The data from 1971 to
1995 represents the five-year averages. Devise an appropriate method for displaying this on your line plot while
maintaining consistency.

(b) Write at least two complete sentences that explain what this graph tells you about the change in the salmon
population over time.

  1. The following data set about Galapagos land area was used in the first chapter.


Island Approximate Area(
Baltra 8
Darwin 1. 1
Española 60
Fernandina 642
Floreana 173
Genovesa 14
Isabela 4640
Marchena 130
North Seymour 1. 9
Pinta 60
Pinzón 18
Rabida 4. 9
San Cristóbal 558
Santa Cruz 986
Santa Fe 24
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