CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data


Island Approximate Area(
Santiago 585
South Plaza 0. 13
Wolf 1. 3

Figure:Land Area of Major Islands in the Galapagos Archipelago.Source:

(a) Choose two methods for representing this data, one categorical, and one numerical, and draw the plot using your
chosen method.

(b) Write a few sentences commenting on the shape, spread, and center of the distribution in the context of the
original data. You may use summary statistics to back up your statements.

  1. Investigation: The National Weather Service maintains a vast array of data on a variety of topics. Go to: You will find records for the mean snowfall for
    various cities across the US.
    a. Create a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot for all the cities located in each of two geographic regions.
    (Use the simplistic breakdown found at the following page to classify
    the states by region).
    b. Write a few sentences that compare the two distributions, commenting on the shape, spread, and center
    in the context of the original data. You may use summary statistics to back up your statements.

Part Two: Open-Ended Answers

  1. (a)


Class Frequency Relative


Relative Cumulative
[1100-1150) 1 7. 1 1 0
[1150-1200) 1 7. 1 2 7. 1
[1200-1250) 3 21. 4 5 14. 3
[1250-1300) 3 21. 4 8 35. 7
[1300-1350) 0 0 8 57. 1
[1350-1400) 2 14. 3 10 57. 1
[1400-1450) 0 0 10 71. 4
[1450-1500) 2 14. 3 12 85. 7
[1500-1550) 0 0 12 85. 7
[1550-1600) 0 0 12 85. 7
[1600-1650) 1 7. 1 13 92. 9
[1650-1700) 1 7. 1 14 100
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