CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.1. Sampling Distribution

7.1 Sampling Distribution

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the inferential relationship between a sampling distribution and a population parameter.

  • Graph a frequency distribution of a mean using a data set.

  • Understand the relationship between a sample size and the distribution of the sample means.

  • Understand the sampling error.


Have you ever wondered how the mean or average amount of money in a population is determined? It would be
impossible to contact 100% of the population so there must be a a statistical way to estimate the mean number of
dollars of the population.

Suppose, more simply, that we are interested in the mean number of dollars that are in the pockets of ten people on a
busy street corner. The diagram below reveals the amount of money that each person in a group of ten has in his/her
pocket. We will investigate this scenario later in the lesson.

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