CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.1. Sampling Distribution

Review Answers

  1. Many students may guess normal, but in reality the distribution is likely to be skewed toward the older pennies.
    (Remember that this means there are more newer pennies.)

  2. The histogram will probably show the distribution skewed toward the older ages.

  3. Answers will vary

  4. The mean of the sampling distribution should be the same as the mean of the population.

  5. The shape of the sampling distribution becomes approximately normal as the sample size increases.

Note:This activity would work very well done with an entire class. Each student could use 20 coins and the sample
means could be an accumulation of sample means from each student.


The unit may be selected in a sample. These units comprise a population.

Normal Distribution
A useful and common probability distribution that has a symmetrical, upside - down U-shape or bell shape.

The summary description of a given variable in a population.

The entire set of the elements in a study.

Random Selection
In sampling, a method of choosing representative elements where each element has an equal chance selection
independent of any other event in the selection process.

The set of units selected for study from a population.

Sampling Distribution
The distribution of a sample statistic such as a sample mean that is the result of probability sampling.

Sampling Error
The degree of error to be expected for a given probability sample design. The value of the sampling error will
show how closely the sample statistics cluster around the true value of population.

The summary description of a variable in a sample.
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