CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.5. Sums and Differences of Independent Random Variables


Outcome Probability
NSN ( 0. 76 )( 0. 24 )( 0. 76 ) =. 138624
SNN ( 0. 24 )( 0. 76 )( 0. 76 ) =. 138624
NSS ( 0. 76 )( 0. 24 )( 0. 24 ) =. 043776
SNS ( 0. 24 )( 0. 76 )( 0. 24 ) =. 043776
SSN ( 0. 24 )( 0. 24 )( 0. 76 ) =. 043776
SSS ( 0. 24 )( 0. 24 )( 0. 24 ) =. 013824


Number of Drivers Using a Cell Phone,x Probability,p
0 0. 438976
1 0. 415872
2. 131328
3. 013824


Expected Value
The mean of the probability distribution for the random variableX. The symbol for expected value isE(X)or

Probability Distribution
The set of values that a random variable takes on, together with a means of determining the probability of each

Random Variable
A variable that takes on numerical values as the result of a chance.
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