CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.6. Student’s t-Distribution

Points to Consider

  • Is there a way to determine where thet-statistic lies on a distribution?

  • If a way does exist, what is the meaning of its placement?

Review Questions

  1. You intend to use simulation to construct an approximatet-distribution with 8 degrees of freedom by taking
    random samples from a population with bowling scores that are normally distributed with mean,μ110 and
    standard deviation,σ=20.
    a. Explain how you will do one run of this simulation.
    b. Produce four values oftusing this simulation.

Review Answers

  1. (a) 8 degrees of freedom mean that the sample size is( 8 + 1 )or 9. The graphing calculator will be used in
    order to randomly select scores from a normally distributed population.

This command will select 9 scores from the population and store the values in List One.

These are values selected by the calculator. (b) To calculatet= x ̄−μ

, enter on the calculator randNorm( 110 , 20 , 9 )L 1 :
(mean(L 1 )− 100 )/(stdDev(L 1 )/

9 Press enter 4 times to generate thetvalues.

The mean and stdDev functions are easily found in the catalog of the calculator( 2 nd 0 )
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