CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 9. Regression and Correlation


Student Number Grade Reading Level
4 4 10
5 1 4

  1. Draw a scatterplot for these data. What type of relationship does this correlation have?

  2. Use the raw score formula to compute the Pearson correlation coefficient.

A teacher gives two quizzes to his class of 10 students. The following are the scores of the 10 students.

TABLE9.5: Quiz results for ten students.

Student Quiz 1 Quiz 2
1 15 20
2 12 15
3 10 12
4 14 18
5 10 10
6 8 13
7 6 12
8 15 10
9 16 18
10 13 15

  1. Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient(r)between the scores on the two quizzes.

  2. Find the percentage of the variance(r^2 )in the scores of Quiz 2 associated with the variance in the scores of
    Quiz 1.

  3. Interpret bothrandr^2 in words.

  4. What are the three factors that we should be aware of that affect the size and accuracy of the Pearson correlation

Review Answers

  1. Various answers are possible. Answers could include scores between two tests, effectiveness of two medica-
    tions, behavior patterns, etc.

  2. Various answers are possible.

  3. Various answers are possible.

  4. The correlation coefficient measures the nature and the magnitude of the linear relationship between two

  5. The scatterplot should show the 5 points plotted in a line. This is a perfect correlation.
    6.r= 1. 00
    7.r= 0. 568
    8.r^2 = 0. 323

  6. The correlation between the two quizzes is positive and is moderately strong. Only a small proportion of the
    variance is shared by the two variables( 32 .3%)

  7. Curvilinear relationships, homogeneity of the group and small group size.

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