CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 9. Regression and Correlation

Review Answers

  1. There are 3 predictor values – Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3.

  2. The regression coefficient of 0.5560 tells us that every 0.5560 percent change in Test 2 is associated with a
    1 .000 percent change in the final exam when everything else is held constant.

  3. From the data given, the regression equation isY= 0. 0506 X 1 + 0. 5560 X 2 + 0. 2128 X 3 + 10 .7592.

  4. TheR^2 value is 0.4707 and indicates that 47% of the variance in the final exam can be attributed to the variance
    of the combined predictor variables.

  5. Using the print out, we see that theFstatistic is 13.621 and has a correspondingpvalue of 0.000. This means
    that the probability that the observedRvalue would have occurred by chance if it was not significant is very
    small (slightly greater than 0.000)

  6. Test 2. Upon closer examination, we find that only the Test 2 predictor variable is significantly significant
    since thetvalue of 3.885 exceeds the critical value (as evidenced by the lowpvalue of.003).

  7. No. It is not necessary to include Test 1 and Test 3 in the multiple regression model since these two variables
    do not have a significant test statistic that exceeds the critical value.

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