CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 10. Chi-Square

X^2 =∑

( (^0) i−Ei)^2
X^2 =Chi-Square statistical value
O=observed frequency value
E=expected frequency value
5.Using the Chi-Square statistic and the level of significance, we are able to determine whether to reject or fail to
reject the null hypothesis and write a summary statement based on these results.
Supplemental Links
Distribution Tables (including the Student’s t-distribution and Chi-Square distribution)
Review Questions

  1. What is the name of the statistical test used analyze the patterns between two categorical variables?
    a. the Student’s t-test
    b. the ANOVA test
    c. the Chi-Square test
    d. the z-score

  2. There are two types of Chi-Square tests. Which type of Chi-Square test estimates how closely a sample
    matches an expected distribution?
    a. the Goodness-of-Fit test
    b. the Test for Independence

  3. Which of the following is considered a categorical variable:
    a. income
    b. gender
    c. height
    d. weight

  4. If there were 250 observations in a data set and 2 uniformly distributed categories that were being measured,
    the expected frequency for each category would be:
    a. 125
    b. 500
    c. 250
    d. 5

  5. What is the formula for calculating the Chi-Square statistic? The principal is planning a field trip. She samples
    a group of 100 students to see if they prefer a sporting event, a play at the local college or a science museum.
    She records the following results:

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