CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

10.1. The Goodness-of-Fit Test


Type of Field Trip Number Preferring
Sporting Event 53
Play 18
Science Museum 29

  1. What is the observed frequency value for the Science Museum category?

  2. What is the expected frequency value for the Sporting Event category?

  3. What would be the null hypothesis for the situation above?
    a. There is no preference between the types of field trips that students prefer
    b. There is a preference between the types of field trips that students prefer

  4. What would be the Chi-Square statistic for the research question above?

  5. If the estimated Chi-Square level of significance was 5.99, would you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis?

Review Answers

  1. C

  2. A

  3. B

  4. A
    5.X^2 =∑(^0 −E)


  1. 29

    1. 33

  2. A

  3. 20.0 (see table below)


Type of Field Trip Observed Frequency Expected Frequency Chi-Square
Sporting Event 53 33. 33 12. 4
Play 18 33. 33 7. 0
Science Museum 29 33. 33 0. 6
Chi-Square Total 20. 0

  1. Reject the Null Hypothesis

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