CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 11. Analysis of Variance and the F-Distribution

  1. Select Data Analysis from the Tools menu and choose “ANOVA: Single-factor” from the list that appears

  2. Place the cursor is in the “Input Range” field and select the entire table.

  3. Place the cursor in the “Output Range” and click somewhere in a blank cell below the table.

  4. Click “Labels” only if you have also included the labels in the table. This will cause the names of the predictor
    variables to be displayed in the table

  5. Click OK and the results shown below will be displayed.

Note:The TI-83/4 also offers a One-way ANOVA test.

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 7 22 3. 142857 3. 809524
Column 2 6 33 5. 5 3. 5
Column 3 8 51 6. 375 2. 839286
Column 4 5 38 7. 6 4. 3
Column 5 5 50 10 2. 5


Source of

SS d f MS F P−value F crit


150. 5033 4 37. 62584 11. 18893 2. 05 E− 05 2. 742594


87. 43214 26 3. 362775

Total 237. 9355 30

Lesson Summary

  1. When testing multiple independent samples to determine if they come from the same populations, we could
    conduct a series of separatet-tests in order to compare all possible pairs of means. However, a more precise
    and accurate analysis is the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

  2. In ANOVA, we analyze the total variation of the scores including (1) the variation of the scores within the
    groups and (2) the variation between the group means and the total mean of all the groups (also known as the
    grand mean).

  3. In this analysis, we calculate theF-ratio, which is the total mean of squares between groups divided by the
    total mean of squares within groups.

  4. The total mean of squares within groups is also known as the estimate of the pooled variance of the population.
    We find this value by analysis of the standard deviations in each of the samples.

Review Questions

  1. What does the ANOVA acronym stand for?

  2. If we are tested whether pairs of sample means differ by more than we would expect due to chance using

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