CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 1. An Introduction to Analyzing Statistical Data

Review Answers

  1. (a) 69.3 inches (b)


Year Rainfall (inches) Deviation Squared Deviations
1998 90 20. 7 428. 49
1999 56 − 13. 3 176. 89
2000 60 − 9. 3 86. 49
2001 59 − 10. 3 106. 09
2002 74 4. 7 22. 09
2003 76 6. 7 44. 89
2004 81 11. 7 136. 89
2005 91 21. 7 470. 89
2006 47 − 22. 3 497. 29
2007 59 − 10. 3 106. 09
Sum→ 2076. 1

Variance: 230. 68

Standard Deviation: 15. 19

  1. RANGE: 1293 IQR: 498

    1. 03

  2. a

  3. b

Further Reading


The maximum value in a data set minus the minimum value.

Interquartile Range (IQR)
The upper quartile in a data set minus the lower quartile.

The difference of the mean of a data set subtracted from the actual data value.
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