CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data

  1. What effects does the shape of a data set have on the statistical measures of center and spread?

  2. How do you determine the most appropriate classification to use for a frequency table or bin width to use for
    a histogram?

Review Questions

  1. Lois was gathering data on the plastic beverage bottle consumption habits of her classmates, but she ran out
    of time as class was ending. When she arrived home, something had spilled in her backpack and smudged the
    data for the 2′s. Fortunately, none of the other values was affected and she knew there were 30 total students
    in the class. Complete her frequency table.


Number of Plastic Beverage Bottles
per Week

Tally Frequency

1 ||
3 |||
4 ||
5 |||
6 @||||||@
7 @|||||@
8 |

  1. The following frequency table containsexactly onedata value that is a positive multiple of ten. What must
    that value be?


Class Frequency
[ 0 − 5 ) 4
[ 5 − 10 ) 0
[ 10 − 15 ) 2
[ 15 − 20 ) 1
[ 20 − 25 ) 0
[ 25 − 30 ) 3
[ 30 − 35 ) 0
[ 35 − 40 ) 1

(a) 10

(b) 20

(c) 30

(d) 40

(e) There is not enough information to determine the answer.

  1. The following table includes the data from the same group of countries from the earlier bottled water con-
    sumption example, but is for the year 1999 instead.

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