CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data

(a) Complete the frequency table below including the actual frequency, the relative frequency(round to the nearest
tenth of a percent), and the relative cumulative frequency.

(b) Create a relative frequency histogram from your table in part a.

(c) Draw the corresponding frequency polygon.

(d) Create the ogive plot.

(e) Comment on the shape, center, and spread of this distribution as it relates to the original data (Do not actually
calculate any specific statistics).

(f) Add up the relative frequency column. What is the total? What should it be? Why might the total not be what
you would expect?

(g) There is a portion of your ogive plot that should be horizontal. Explain what is happening with the data in this
area that creates this horizontal section.

(h) What does thesteepestpart of an ogive plot tell you about the distribution?

Review Answers

  1. There are 24 tally marks, which means that the remaining 6 students must have been “2”s.


Number of Plastic Beverage Bottles
per Week

Tally Frequency

1 || 2

(^2) @|||||@ 6
3 ||| 3
4 || 2
5 ||| 3
6 @||||||@ 7
7 @|||||@ 6
8 | 1
Liters of Water per Person Frequency
[ 60 − 70 ) 4
[ 70 − 80 ) 3
[ 80 − 90 ) 0
[ 90 − 100 ) 1
[ 100 − 110 ) 3
[ 110 − 120 ) 2
[ 120 − 130 ) 1
[ 130 − 140 ) 0
[ 140 − 150 ) 0
[ 150 − 160 ) 1
Completed Frequency Table for World Bottled Water Consumption Data(1999)

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