CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data



(e) This distribution is skewed to the right, which means that most of the materials are concentrated in the area of
saving up to 75 million BTU’s by using recycled materials and there are just a few materials (copper wire, carpet,
and aluminum cans) that use inordinately large amounts of energy to create from raw materials.

(f) 99.8%>. The total should beallof the data, or 100%. The reason for the difference is rounding error.

(g) The horizontal portion of the ogive is where there is no data present, so the amount of accumulated data does not

(h) Because the ogive shows the increase in the percentage of data, the steepest section (in this case between 0 and
50%) is wheremostof the data is located and the accumulation of data is therefore changing at the most rapid pace.


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