CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data

What can we learn from plotting the data in this manner? Remember that one of the things you saw from the stem
and leaf plot is that in general, a country’s recycling rate for glass is lower than its paper recycling rate. On the next
graph we have plotted a line that represents paper and recycling rates being equal. If all the countries had the same
rates, each point in the scatterplot would be on the line. Because most of the points are actually below this line, you
can see that the glass rate islowerthan would be expected if they were similar.

In univariate data, we are interested primarily in the ideas of shape, center, and spread to initially characterize a
data set. For bivariate data, we will also discuss three important characteristics that are slightly different;shape,
direction, and strength,to inform us about the association between the two variables. We will save formal

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