2.2. Common Graphs and Data Plots http://www.ck12.org
(b) Divide each weight by 27.
Material Kilograms Approximate Percentage of Total
Plastics 6. 21 23
Lead 1. 71 6. 3
Aluminum 3. 83 14. 2
Iron 5. 54 20. 5
Copper 2. 12 7. 8
Tin 0. 27 1
Zinc 0. 60 2. 2
Nickel 0. 23 0. 8
Barium 0. 05 0. 2
Other elements and chemicals 6. 44 23. 9
The data from the table has been adjusted a bit from the original source to simplify the problem and to account for
rounding errors.