CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Visualizations of Data


  1. There does appear to be at least one obvious outlier. California creates by far the most waste, most likely
    due to its large population. If we ignore California, there appears to be only a weak positive association
    between the amount of waste and the percentage recycled. If we removed two other points that appear
    atypical, New York and Florida, there is almost no association between the two. States with low average
    waste creation have recycling rates varying from the lowest, to the highest rates. If we remove the three
    potential outliers and rescale the axes, the data cloud is almost a circle, showing virtually no association.

  2. HDPE plastic recycling showed a dramatic growth in 1996 and a slight growth the following year, but
    decline for all other years. PET bottle recycling has declined steadily through the entire time range.

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