CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Energy

FIGURE 5.157

The circuit diagram in the middle repre-
sents the circuit drawing on the left. On
the right are some of the standard sym-
bols used in circuit diagrams.

  • All electric circuits must have a voltage source, such as a battery, and a conductor, which is usually wire. They
    may have one or more electric devices as well.

  • An electric circuit can be represented by a circuit diagram, which uses standard symbols to represent the parts
    of the circuit.


  • electric circuit: Closed loop through which current can flow.

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Take the electric circuit quiz at the following URL. Be sure to have your answers corrected. Try the quiz again if
any of your answers are incorrect.


  1. What is an electric circuit?

  2. Which two parts must all electric circuits contain?

  3. Sketch a simple circuit that includes a battery, switch, and light bulb. Then make a circuit diagram to represent
    your circuit, using standard circuit symbols.

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