5.91. Electric Transformers http://www.ck12.org
FIGURE 5.196
Q:Both step-up and step-down transformers are used in the electrical grid that carries electricity from a power plant
to your home. Where in the grid do you think step-down transformers might be used?
A:One place that step-down transformers are used is on the electric poles that supply current to homes. They reduce
the voltage of the electric current before it enters home circuits.
- An electric transformer is a device that uses electromagnetic induction to change the voltage of an electric
current. - A step-up transformer increases voltage. A step-down transformer decreases voltage.
- electric transformer: Device that uses electromagnetic induction to change the voltage of electric current.
Explore More
Explore the electric transformer simulation at the following URL. Then answer the questions below. http://phet.colo
- Explain what you have to do to light the light bulb when you use direct current (DC) in the electromagnet.
- If you use direct current in the electromagnet, which type of current flows through the pickup coil? How can
you tell? - If you decrease the voltage of the direct current, how does the voltage of the pickup current change?
- How does the number of loops in the pickup coil affect the voltage in that circuit?
- What is an electric transformer?
- How does an electric transformer use electromagnetic induction?
- Compare and contrast step-up and step-down transformers.