CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 1. Introduction to Physical Science

  • Line graphs are especially useful for showing changes over time, such as variation in the number of tornadoes
    by month throughout the year.

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When you make a line graph, you need to locate x and y values on a set of axes. This lets you plot the points that
will be connected to create the line. Do the frog-and-fly activity at the following URL. See how many flies you can
catch while you practice plotting points.


  1. What is the advantage of displaying data in a graph rather than just listing data in a table?

  2. Explain what a circle graph shows.

  3. Examine the data inTable1.9. Which type of graph would you use to display the data? Why would you use
    this type of graph?

TABLE1.9: Average Number of Tornadoes per Year in Selected States (1961-1990)

State Average Number of Tornadoes
California 4
Idaho 2
Kentucky 10
Michigan 18
Montana 5
North Carolina 14
North Dakota 20
Tennessee 12

  1. Using a sheet of graph paper, create a graph of the data in question 3. Use the type of graph you identified in
    your answer to question 3.

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