CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Matter

  • Scientists think that a different type of boson carries each of the four fundamental forces in the universe (strong
    and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic force, and gravity).

  • The standard model is a simple theory that explains all the matter in the universe and its interactions (except
    for the mass of matter and the force of gravity). According to the standard model, all known matter consists
    of quarks and leptons, which interact by exchanging force-carrying particles called bosons.


  • fundamental particle: Particle of matter, such as an electron, that cannot be subdivided into smaller, simpler

  • quark: Type of particle that makes up protons and neutrons.

  • standard model: Theory that all known matter consists of fundamental particles called quarks and leptons.

Explore More

Explore fundamental particles with the sequence, “What is the world made of?” at the following URL (access it by
clicking on “the standard model”). Then check your knowledge of fundamental particles by taking the quiz at the
end of the sequence.


  1. Outline the order in which fundamental particles were discovered.

  2. Make a table comparing and contrasting the three types of fundamental particles. Include an example of each
    type in your table.

  3. Make a two- or three-dimensional model of a hydrogen atom (1 proton and 1 electron) that represents all of
    its fundamental particles, including force-carrying particles.

  4. What is the standard model? In what ways is it incomplete?

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