CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.44. Electron Cloud Atomic Model


  • electron cloud: Area surrounding the nucleus of an atom where electrons are likely to be.

  • orbital: Region in the electron cloud around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be.

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Watch the video about the electron cloud model at the following URL, and then answer the questions below. (2:45)


Click image to the left for use the URL below.

  1. What influences the movement of electrons in atoms?

  2. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

  3. How is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle related to electron orbitals?


  1. What is the problem with Bohr’s model of the atom?

  2. How did Schrödinger resolve this problem?

  3. Describe orbitals.

  4. Outline the electron cloud model of the atom.

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