2.47. Metals http://www.ck12.org
2.47 Metals
- Identify the metals class of elements.
- Describe properties of metals.
- Explain why metals are good conductors of electricity.
When you think of metals, do you think of solid objects such as iron nails and gold jewelry? If so, it might surprise
you to learn that the shiny liquid pouring out of the pipette in the photo above is also a metal. It’s called mercury,
and it’s the only metal that normally exists on Earth as a liquid. Just what are metals, and what are their properties?
Read on to find out.
What Are Metals?
Metalsare elements that can conduct electricity. They are one of three classes of elements (the other two classes
are nonmetals and metalloids). Metals are by far the largest of the three classes. In fact, most elements are metals.
All of the elements on the left side and in the middle of the periodic table, except for hydrogen, are metals. There
are several different types of metals, including alkali metals in group 1 of the periodic table, alkaline Earth metals in
group 2, and transition metals in groups 3–12. The majority of metals are transition metals.