2.52. Alkaline Earth Metals http://www.ck12.org
2.52 Alkaline Earth Metals
- Identify alkaline Earth metals.
- List properties of alkaline Earth metals.
- Explain why alkaline Earth metals are very reactive.
Sparklers like the one this girl is holding make festive additions to many celebrations. You may use them yourself.
But watch out if you do because their flames are really hot! The bright white flames are produced when magnesium
burns. Magnesium is a light- weight metal that burns at a very high temperature. Other uses of magnesium include
flash photography, flares, and fireworks. Magnesium is a metal in group 2 of the periodic table, which you will read
about in this concept.
The Second Group
Barium (Ba) is one of six elements in group 2 of the periodic table, which is shown below. Elements in this group are
calledalkaline Earth metals. These metals are silver or gray in color. They are relatively soft and low in density,
although not as soft and lightweight as alkali metals. You can watch a brief video introduction to the alkaline Earth
metals at this URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFQPnHkQlZM.