CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Matter


  • Groups 13–16 of the periodic table contain one or more metalloids, in addition to metals, nonmetals, or both.

  • Group 13 is called the boron group, and boron is the only metalloid in this group. The other group 13 elements
    are metals.

  • Group 14 is called the carbon group. This group contains two metalloids: silicon and germanium. Carbon is
    a nonmetal, and the remaining elements in this group are metals.

  • Group 15 is called the nitrogen group. The metalloids in this group are arsenic and antimony. Group 15 also
    contains two nonmetals and one metal.

  • Group 16 is called the oxygen group. Tellurium is the only metalloid in this group, which also contains three
    nonmetals and one metal.


  • metalloid: Class of elements that have some properties of metals and some properties of nonmetals.

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Watch the video at the following URL, and then answer the questions below. (6:50)


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  1. Why does boron act chemically like a metal?

  2. Why do arsenic, antimony, and tellurium tend to have chemical properties similar to nonmetals?

  3. Sometimes silicon and germanium behave like metals, and sometimes they behave like nonmetals. Explain


  1. Which elements in groups 13–16 are metalloids?

  2. Name two physical properties that boron shares with most metals.

  3. What property of the metalloid silicon makes it useful for computer chips?

  4. A recent investigation found relatively high levels of the metalloid arsenic in samples of apple juice. Why
    might this be a serious problem?

  5. Why is the metalloid tellurium used to make solar panels?

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