1.8. Scope of Physical Science http://www.ck12.org
universe. Knowledge of several important physics concepts—such as motion and forces—contributed to the design
of the swimmer’s suit.
Q:It’s not just athletes that depend on physical science. We all do. What might be some ways that physical science
influences our lives?
A:We depend on physical science for just about everything that makes modern life possible. You couldn’t turn on a
light, make a phone call, or use a computer without centuries of discoveries in chemistry and physics. TheFigure
1.10 show a variety of other ways that people depend on physical science. Think about how knowledge of energy
and matter makes each action possible.
Each of these pictures represents a way that physical science influences our lives.
- Physical science is the study of matter and energy. It includes chemistry and physics.
- We depend on centuries of discoveries in physical science for just about everything we do.
- physical science: Study of matter and energy.