CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3.53. Properties of Bases

FIGURE 3.100

  • Indicator compounds such as litmus can be used to detect bases. Bases turn red litmus paper blue.

  • The strength of bases is measured on the pH scale. A pH value greater than 7 indicates a base, and the higher
    the number is, the stronger the base.

  • Bases have many important uses. For example, they are found in many cleaning products and in concrete.


  • base: Ionic compound that produces negative hydroxide ions (OH−) when dissolved in water.

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Compare bases with acids at the following URL. Then click on and complete the acids and bases quiz. http://www.m


  1. What is a base?

  2. What are some properties of bases?

  3. How can you use litmus paper to detect a base?

  4. Ocean water is slightly basic. What might its pH value be?

  5. Considering the properties of bases, which of the following do you think is a base?
    a. orange juice
    b. lemonade
    c. vinegar
    d. baking soda

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