CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 3. Chemical Interactions

3.65 Nuclear Fission

  • Outline what happens during nuclear fission.

  • Describe a nuclear chain reaction.

  • Explain how nuclear fission can be used to produce energy.

  • List pros and cons of using nuclear energy.

Steam rises from the cooling towers of this nuclear power plant. The steam is only harmless water vapor. Unlike
a power plant that burns fossil fuel, a nuclear power plant doesn’t release pollution into the air. That’s because a
nuclear power plant produces power by nuclear fission, a type of nuclear reaction.

What Is Nuclear Fission?

Nuclear fissionis the splitting of the nucleus of a radioactive atom into two smaller nuclei. This type of reaction
releases a great deal of energy from a very small amount of matter. Fission of a tiny pellet of radioactive uranium-
235, like the one pictured in theFigure3.116, releases as much energy as burning 1,000 kilograms of coal!

FIGURE 3.116

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