CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4.12. Friction



  • Friction is a force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are touching.

  • Friction occurs because no surface is perfectly smooth.

  • Rougher surfaces have more friction between them. Heavier objects also have more friction because they
    press together with greater force.

  • Friction produces heat because it causes the molecules on rubbing surfaces to move faster and have more


  • friction: Force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching.

Explore More

Experiment with the effects of friction on the motion of a toy car in the activity at the following URL. Then take the
quiz to see how well you understand friction.


  1. Define friction, and explain why it occurs.

  2. Identify two factors that affect friction.

  3. Why does friction warm your hands when you rub them together?

  4. Outside wooden steps may get slippery when they are wet. How could you make them less slippery?

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