1.20. Hypothesis http://www.ck12.org
Both the elephant and the boy are falling
to the ground because of gravity. The
force of gravity (Fgrav) is greater for the
elephant than it is for the boy because
the elephant is much more massive.
Nonetheless, both of them will reach the
ground at the same time (assuming they
fall from the same height at the same time
and there is no air resistance.)
- In science, a hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested with observations and falsified if it really is
false. - You cannot prove conclusively that most hypotheses are true because it’s generally impossible to examine all
possible cases for exceptions that would disprove them.
- hypothesis: Potential answer to a question that can be tested by gathering information.
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Do the practice quiz on scientific hypotheses at the bottom of this Web page. Be sure to check your answers.
- Identify the role of the hypothesis in science.
- State two criteria of a scientific hypothesis.
- Which of these two statements meets the criteria of a scientific hypothesis?
a. Acids turn red litmus paper blue.
b. All life in the universe exists on Earth. - Why is it usually impossible to prove that a hypothesis is true?