CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Energy


Sources of Thermal Radiation

You might be surprised to learn that everything radiates thermal energy, not just really hot things such as the sun
or a fire. For example, when it’s cold outside, a heated home radiates some of its thermal energy into the outdoor
environment. A home that is poorly insulated radiates more energy than a home that is well insulated. Special
cameras can be used to detect radiated heat. In theFigure5.34, you can see an image created by one of these
cameras. The areas that are yellow are the areas where the greatest amount of thermal energy is radiating from the
home. Even people radiate thermal energy. In fact, when a room is full of people, it may feel noticeably warmer
because of all the thermal energy the people radiate!

Q:Where is thermal radiation radiating from the home in the picture?

A:The greatest amount of thermal energy is radiating from the window on the upper left. A lot of thermal energy is
also radiating from the edges of the windows and door.


  • Thermal radiation is the transfer of thermal energy by waves that can travel through air or even through empty
    space. This is how thermal energy from a fire is transferred to your hands and how thermal energy from the
    sun is transferred to Earth.

  • Everything radiates thermal energy, even objects that aren’t very warm.


  • thermal radiation: Transfer of thermal energy by waves that can travel through air or across space.

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