CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5.52. Visible Light and Matter

5.52 Visible Light and Matter

  • Describe how visible light interacts with matter.

  • Compare and contrast transparent, translucent, and opaque matter.

A mime is an actor who uses movement and facial expressions rather than words to communicate with an audience.
The mime in this picture is using a mirror to apply stage makeup that will accentuate her features so she can
communicate more expressively. When light strikes a mirror, it is reflected back from the shiny surface. The
reflected light forms an image of whatever is in front of the mirror. Reflection is just one way that visible light may
interact with matter.


Reflection of light occurs when light bounces back from a surface that it cannot pass through. Reflection may be
regular or diffuse.

  • If the surface is very smooth, like a mirror, the reflected light forms a very clear image. This is called regular,
    or specular, reflection. In theFigure5.109, the smooth surface of the still water in the pond on the left reflects
    light in this way.

  • When light is reflected from a rough surface, the waves of light are reflected in many different directions, so a
    clear image does not form. This is called diffuse reflection. In theFigure5.109, the ripples in the water in the
    picture on the right cause diffuse reflection of the blooming trees.

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