CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Energy

FIGURE 5.109

For more details about regular and diffuse reflection, go to this URL:


Transmissionof light occurs when light passes through matter. As light is transmitted, it may pass straight through
matter or it may be refracted or scattered as it passes through.

  • When light is refracted, it changes direction as it passes into a new medium and changes speed. The straw in
    theFigure5.110 looks bent where light travels from water to air. Light travels more quickly in air than in
    water and changes direction. For a detailed explanation of how this happens, watch the animation at this URL:

FIGURE 5.110

  • Scatteringoccurs when light bumps into tiny particles of matter and spreads out in all directions. In the
    Figure5.111, beams of light from car headlights are shining through fog. The light is scattered by water
    droplets in the air, giving the headlights a “halo” appearance.

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