CK-12 Geometry - Second Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Relationships with Triangles

  1. Trace 4 FADonto a piece of paper with the perpendicular bisector. Construct another perpendicular bisector.
    What is the point of concurrency called? Use this information to draw the appropriate circle.

  2. Trace 4 FADonto a piece of paper with the angle bisector. Construct another angle bisector. What is the point
    of concurrency called? Use this information to draw the appropriate circle.

  3. Trace 4 FADonto a piece of paper with the median. Construct another median. What is the point of
    concurrency called? What are its properties?

  4. Trace 4 FADonto a piece of paper with the altitude. Construct another altitude. What is the point of
    concurrency called? Which points of concurrency can lie outside a triangle?

  5. A triangle has sides with lengthx+6 and 2x−1. Find the range of the third side.

Texas Instruments Resources

In the CK-12 Texas Instruments Geometry FlexBook, there are graphing calculator activities designed to supple-
ment the objectives for some of the lessons in this chapter. See

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