CK-12 Geometry-Concepts

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 6. Polygons and Quadrilaterals


Recall that interior angles are the angles inside a closed figure with straight sides. As you can see in the images
below, a polygon has the same number of interior angles as it does sides.

A diagonal connects two non-adjacent vertices of a convex polygon. Also, recall that the sum of the angles in a
triangle is 180◦. What about other polygons?

Investigation: Polygon Sum Formula

Tools Needed: paper, pencil, ruler, colored pencils (optional)

  1. Draw a quadrilateral, pentagon, and hexagon.

  2. Cut each polygon into triangles by drawing all the diagonals from one vertex. Count the number of triangles.

Make sure none of the triangles overlap.

  1. Make a table with the information below.


Name of Polygon Number of Sides Number of 4 sfrom
one vertex

(Column 3)×(◦in
a 4 )

Total Number of
Quadrilateral 4 2 2 × 180 ◦ 360 ◦
Pentagon 5 3 3 × 180 ◦ 540 ◦
Hexagon 6 4 4 × 180 ◦ 720 ◦

  1. Do you see a pattern? Notice that the total number of degrees goes up by 180◦. So, if the number sides isn, then
    the number of triangles from one vertex isn−2. Therefore, the formula would be(n− 2 )× 180 ◦.

Polygon Sum Formula:For anyn−gon, the sum of the interior angles is(n− 2 )× 180 ◦.

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