7.1. Introduction to Chemical Bonds http://www.ck12.org
7.1 Introduction to Chemical Bonds
Lesson Objectives
- Define chemical bond.
- List general properties of compounds.
Lesson Vocabulary
- chemical bond
- chemical formula
There is an amazing diversity of matter in the universe, but there are only about 100 elements. How can this relatively
small number of pure substances make up all kinds of matter? Elements can combine in many different ways. When
they do, they form new substances called compounds. For a video introduction to compounds, go this URL: http://w
ww.youtube.com/watch?v=-HjMoTthEZ0 (3:53).
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Chemical Bonding
Elements form compounds when they combine chemically. Their atoms join together to form molecules, crystals, or
other structures. The atoms are held together by chemical bonds. Achemical bondis a force of attraction between
atoms or ions. It occurs when atoms share or transfer valence electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons in the
outer energy level of an atom. You can learn more about chemical bonds in this video: http://www.youtube.com/w
atch?v=CGA8sRwqIFg (13:21).