CK-12 Physical Science - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

17.3. Energy Resources

17.3 Energy Resources

Lesson Objectives

  • Describe nonrenewable energy resources.

  • Identify several renewable energy resources.

  • Outline world energy use and ways to conserve energy.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • conservation

  • fossil fuel

  • natural resource

  • nonrenewable resource

  • renewable resource


Did you ever go whitewater rafting, like the people inFigure17.18? What an exciting ride! The churning water
tosses the raft and drenches its riders with spray and foam. Water is a great place to have fun, whether you are
rafting, swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, or fishing. In fact, water is one of our most precious natural resources. A
natural resourceis anything people can use that comes from nature. In this lesson, you’ll learn how we use water
—and many other natural resources —for energy. For a brief overview of the energy resources you’ll learn about in
this lesson, go to this URL:

For a cartoon introduction to energy resources, go to this URL:


Click image to the left for use the URL below.

Nonrenewable Energy Resources

Nonrenewable resourcesare natural resources that are limited in supply and cannot be replaced except over millions

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