Descent into Avernus
180 HIGH HALL The High Hall is the center of almost all governmental activity in Baidu r's Gate. The Parliament of Peers and the ...
the church elders to intercede. Such happens rarely, the church being unwilling to jeopardize its standing by pitting itself aga ...
makes the Undercellar a popular place of business for unsavory characters who would never risk being caught in the Upper City ot ...
18 .1 THE WIDE By law, all commercial buying and selling not done in a licensed and taxed establishment must be conducted in the ...
Eastway. Home to the Basilisk Gate, Eastway is the city's primary gateway to the Outer City and the world beyond, catering to tr ...
186 LOWER CITY RANDOM ENCOUNTERS d20 Encounter 1-6 No encounter 7-10 Harmless interaction (roll on table D) 11-16 Denizens (roll ...
sit side by side with scathing editorials or unflattering political cartoons of those same officials. Ettvard Needle, a chaotic ...
188 In secret, the Candulhallows have grown quietly rich off a variety of death-related scams. Chief among these is a secret smu ...
down and recover the missing kegs of smokepowder be- fore it's too late. If smokepowder is set on fire, dropped, or otherwise ha ...
190 origins, yet everyone knows its power. When properly entreated by Torimesh, the tree's red bark cracks and curls like parchm ...
_.,. ...-.-:. BALOUR'S GATE GAZETI.EE.R ...
and surrounded by yards of solid stone, the secret doors leading to its vaults hidden by clever mechanisms and cleverer magic. I ...
their community, the halfling cleric and his adult chil- d ren Hansen and Sissa (both lawful good strongheart halfiing a colytes ...
194 OUTER CITY Dirty and uncouth, the Outer City holds everything the elite of Baldur's Gate resist allowing within their walls: ...
OUTER CITY RANDOM ENCOU N T ERS d20 Encounter 1 -6 No encounter 7-10 Harmless interaction (roll on table G) 11- 16 Denizens (rol ...
196 gone. Since then, the forested structure-which popu- lar stories now refer to as Balduran's Tomb-has been discovered three m ...
While Danthelon may never have been a real adven- turer, he loves associating with them, and constantly keeps his ears open for ...
198 to exclusive trade agreements with various caravans. As soon as mid-afternoon a rrives, however, shoppers are shuffied back ...
breaking of taboos, with risque burlesque and satirical scripts mocking everyone from the dukes to Nine-Fin- gers Keene herself. ...
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