Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1
of the following sound effects, which can be heard
throughout the wrecked fortress:

A blaring alarm klaxon

• Loud, discordant instrumental music with

screaming vocals

  • A soothing, female-sounding voice saying "Aj ta noss

iz' lech'iz ta kraj-ka-nok Asmodei das," which is Infer-

nal for, "You are important. Promotion is your destiny.

Asmodeus loves you."

• A deep, devilish voice saying "Chy'gwa urnossk!"

("Abandon ship!" in Infernal) over and over


Describe this area to the players as follows:

Sparks rain down from torn holes in the ceiling, falling
onto a pair of rectangular machines that have been torn
from the walls. The machines now stand in the middle of
the room, their loose wires sticking out like bad hairdos.

Each machine resembles a metal file cabinet covered

with switches and dials that no longer do anything. A

character who spends at least 1 hour taking apart a ma-

chine can discern its original purpose with a successful

DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check:

• The larger machine was used to scramble telepathic

communications within 1 mile of the fortress.

• The smaller machine could send telepathic transmis-

sions to all devils within 1 mile of the fortress.


Characters who listen at the iron door to this room hear

an inhuman cackling sound beyond. They need darkvi-

sion or light sources to see into the room.

Crouched on a pile of humanoid bones in the far, low-
est corner of this room is a hunched gnoll that looks
underfed. It gnaws on a bone while cackling maniacally
to itself. Near its nest is another iron door.
Lying on the floor near you are a pair of glass, bell-
shaped horns attached to some loose wires. They look
like they were removed from a pair of tall, slender, metal
machines standing against the wall opposite you.

The gnoll is a shapechanged death slaad under the

effects of a feeblemind spell. While fighting alongside
Yeenoghu's demon hordes, the slaad fell into the River
Styx, leaving it in a feebleminded state. [n five days, it

gets a new saving throw to end the effect. Any character

who examines the gnoll and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelli-

gence (Arcana) check realizes that some sort of magical

effect has reduced it to a witless nincompoop.
While the s laad is feebleminded, its Intelligence and

Charisma scores are 1, and it can't cast spells, activate

magic items, understand language, or communicate in

any intelligible way. It's not even self-aware enough to
revert to its normal form. It eyes characters suspiciously

but doesn't attack them. It has no weapons but can use

its action to bite someone on its turn:
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 8 (ld6 + 5) piercing damage.

Casting greater restoration, heal, or similar magic on

the hapless creature restores its mental faculties, where-

upon the slaad assumes its true form and attacks. As a

creature of pure chaos and extreme malice, it delights in

wanton destruction.

Machinery. The bell-shaped horns lying on the floor

attach to the fronts of the two machines standing in the

corner, neither of which is operational. Each machine

resembles a vertical file cabinet covered with switches

and burnt-out lights. A character who spends at least

1 hour taking apart a machine can discern its original

purpose with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Ar-

cana) check:

• The larger machine was used to transmit messages to

other flying fortresses. (Messages were sent by speak-

ing into the machine's glass bell.)

• The smaller machine was used to broadcast messages

throughout the flying fortress. (One could broadcast a

message by speaking into the machine's glass bell.)

The larger machine is damaged beyond repair, but a

character proficient with tinker's tools can spend 1 hour

attempting to repair the smaller machine using parts

scavenged from other machines on the command deck,

doing so with a successful DC 15 Intelligence check.

Once the machine's glass bell and a few wires are re-

placed, the device can be made to function for 24 hours.

During this time, characters can use the device to trans-

mit their voices throughout the wrecked fortress.


This chamber is at the lowest point of the command

deck. Describe the room to the players as follows:

This dark room contains a metal console that has torn
free of the wall to your right. Pinned between the console
and another wall is a small, desiccated, winged devil
that looks like it was crushed to death. In another corner

stands a 3-foot block of infernal iron-a locked safe with

clawed feet and a three-dial mechanism built into its
thick door. Each dial bears numerals written in Infernal.

The safe is stuck to the floor with sovereign glue and

can't be moved. It's also airtight, watertight, and im-

pervious to damage and thieves' tools. To unlock it, the

characters need the three-digit combination. When the

dials are set to ~ -~ -~ ("6-6-6" in Infernal), the safe door

unlocks. Three knock spells are needed to force it open,

as the safe has three separate locking mechanisms.

After three unsuccessful attempts to open the safe

with the wrong combination, an alarm klaxon sounds

throughout the command deck. The alarm is loud

enough to startle any vrocks still circling above the

wreck, but the alarm attracts no one. The alarm stops

after 1 minute.


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