Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1


If the characters killed Thavius Kreeg in chapter 1, his

soul ends up in the Nine Hells, where it emerges from

the River Styx as a lemure. Zariel instantly becomes

aware ofThavius's fate and retrieves him. After promot-

ing Thavius to an amnizu devil for his faithful service.

Zariel confines him until Elturel's destruction. The

characters find Thavius trapped in a cell aboard Zariel's
flying fortress. feeling sorry for himself.
Characters who search the lower decks of Zariel's fly-

ing fortress hear sobs coming from an unguarded cell-

block. If they investigate the sobbing, read the following
boxed text lo the players:

Through the bars of a cell, you see a sobbing figure hud-
dled in the shadows. It appears to be a paunchy devil
with small wings and horns, bound by shackles to the far
wall. The walls of his cell are covered with blasphemous
runes that glow with an infernal red light.

The pitiable figure in the cell is Thavius Kreeg, now

an amnizu (see page 228 for his stat block). If the

characters met Thavius when he was human, they

recognize him in his devil form with a successful DC

10 Wisdom (Perception) check. The locked cell door

can be forced open with a successful DC 25 Strength

(Athletics) check, or a character can use thieves' tools

to try to pick its lock, doing so with a successful DC 20

Dexterity check.

Thavius poses no threat to the characters in his cur-

rent predicament. and his shackles aren't long enough

to let him get close to lhe cell door. Characters can

kill him at range without even entering the cell, if they
wish, by launching attacks through the bars. However,

Thavius screams in agony whenever he takes damage,

which might attract nearby patrols of bearded devils, at
your discretion.
Once Elturel is pulled down into the River Styx,

Thavius believes Zariel will set him free, but until then

he's content to wallow in self-pity. He didn't expect to

end up in the Nine Hells so soon. See chapter 5 for more

information on how to roleplay the devil Thavius.


The symbols on the walls prevent creatures from tele-

porting into and out of the cell. For example, a creature

can't use misty step or dimension door to enter or leave

the cell. However, the cell does not prohibit creatures

from entering or leaving via altered forms. For example.

a creature in gaseous form can slip between the bars to

enter or leave the cell, as can any creature thin enough

to pass between the bars.

Only Zariel can unlock Thavius's shackles, though

a creature can break them with a successful DC 25

Strength (Athletics) check. The shackles can also be

attacked; they have AC 19, a damage threshold of 15, hp
20, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and immu-
nity to bludgeoning, piercing, and s lashing damage from
nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine.
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