Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1
A typical encounter consists of two lawful evil human

cultists dressed in black robes, each carrying a censer

and wearing a thin, golden mask shaped like a devil's

face (and worth 25 gp to an interested buyer). The cen-

sers contain burning incense. A devil mask covers its

wearer's whole face except for the eyes, nostrils, and

mouth. No two masks look exactly alike.
If this encounter occurs in a tunnel that has a sewer

trench running down the middle of it, the two cultists

are walking on opposite sides of the trench, moving in

the same direction while swinging their censers gently.

You can make the encounter harder by replacing the

cultists with cuJt fanatics, or adding one or more invisi-

ble imps as escorts.

If any wandering cultists are defeated, reduce the

number of cultists encountered in area V33 accordingly.
If the characters make no effort to hide the bodies of the

cultists they defeat, someone stumbles upon them even-

tually and warns the barbed devil in area V26. Assum-

ing it hasn't been defeated already, the devil scours the

dungeon for trespassers once notified of their presence.


The Vanthampurs store animal carcasses and other

fresh meat in this room. Hanging in the middle of the

room from the IO-foot-high ceiling are six 3-foot-long

chains, each ending in a hook. Flayed boar carcasses

hang from four of the hooks, while the remaining two

hooks are bare.


The cultists dine here, though none are present when

the characters first arrive. Two wooden trestle tables

with benches stand in the middle of the room, which is
brightly lit by six tall wrought-iron candlesticks spaced

along the walls. Each candlestick stands six feet high

and has nine lit candles at the top of it.


The cultists prepare their meals here, though no cultists

are present when the characters first arrive. The kitchen

is uncomfortably warm and contains a pair of brightly

burning cast-iron stoves with piles of wood next to them.
Other furnishings include a wooden trestle table where

food is prepared, as well as shelves lined with plates,

mugs, pots, utensils, and jars of ingredients and spices.


The iron double door leading to this room has Infernal

runes carved into its arched door frame. A character

who understands Infernal can translate these runes as

follows: "That which falls can rise again."

A character who listens at the double door or one of

the secret doors leading to this room hears a half dozen

humanoid voices chanting in Infernal. Characters who

Characters can disguise themselves using masks and
robes taken from defeated cultists. While disguised in this
fashion, characters have advantage on Charisma (Decep·
tion) checks made to fool devils and cult members in the
dungeon under Vanthampur Villa.

listen to the chants and understand that language can

discern praise heaped upon the archdevil Zariel for her

tireless effort to win the Blood War.

When the characters enter the room, set the scene by

reading aloud the following boxed text:

Two rows of tall wrought·iron candlesticks light this
vaulted chamber, each one bearing nine flickering can·
dies. A seven-foot· tall statue of an angel with white glow-
ing eyes and a longsword stands atop a dais to the south.
A six-foot-tall fiend bristling with spines stands west of
the statue, glaring at four black-robed cultists who kneel
and chant in the middle of the room, their faces hidden
behind golden devil masks. Nine tapestries depicting the
layers of the Nine Hells adorn the walls.

The spined fiend is a barbed devil named Odious. Sent

by Zariel to serve Duke Vanthampur, the devil answers

only to those two. The chanting figures are four lawful

evil human cultists wearing black robes and golden

devil masks similar to those worn by the cultists in area

V22. The devil and the cultists attack intruders on sight,

but can be duped by characters wearing disguises (see

the "Disguised Characters" sidebar).

Statue. The statue represents Zariel in her angelic

form. It's a Large object with AC 17, 33 hit points, and

immunity to fire, poison, and psychic damage. Toppling

the statue with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)

check causes it to shatter on the floor.

Treasure. The statue's head and neck a re hollow.

Lodged in this cavity is a +l mace that can be removed

only if the statue is destroyed. The head of the mace

sheds bright light in a 5-foot-radius and di.m light for

an additional 5 feet. The wielder of the mace can extin-

guish or ignite its light as an action. (This light is what

causes the statue's eyes to glow.)


Hidden behind a secret door, this tunnel has a wooden

ladder at its north end. The ladder climbs a 15-foot-high

shaft to a trapdoor that opens into area V2.


This room is hidden behind secret doors (see "Dungeon

Features," page 37). The scraping noise either door

makes when opened is loud enough to alert the room's

occupant. Read the following when the characters enter:

This room is lit by a pair of ta ll wrought-iron candlesticks
in the northeast and southeast corners. Nine candles
burn atop each one, casting flickering light across a claw-
footed altar carved from a single block of obsidian, and
which has a small angel-shaped Aame erupting from its
top. A gray·haired woman kneels before the altar.

Duke Thalamra Vanthampur (see the accompanying

stat block) kneels before the altar. She wears fine

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