Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

show it. If they present the box to her, she snatches it out

of their hands and studies it closely. She takes similar

interest in the Shield of the Hidden Lord (which she
calls "the Shield of Gargauth"), but avoids touching it.

THAvrns AND THE PuzzLE Box

Sylvira bas this to say about Thavius Kreeg and his in-

fernal puzzle box:

"I've been suspicious of the High Overseer of Elturel for
a long time. But no one wanted to hear my concerns, be-
cause Thavius Kreeg was widely regarded as a hero who
saved his city from an undead scourge, giving rise to the
holy nation of Elturgard.
"Hailed as a savior, Thavius made all citizens of Elturel
swear an oath called the Creed Resolute, which binds
them to defend the nation of Elturgard. I met him years
ago, and my instincts told me he was a charlatan. After-
ward, I grew to suspect that he had cut a deal with one or
more powerful devils, using the Creed Resolute to bind
all Elturel to his dark deal.
"I wish to prove my theory, and I believe the evidence
is locked inside the puzzle box."

Sylvira is an expert on magic puzzle boxes, having made

and sold a few herself. If the characters give her the in-

fernal puzzle box, she examines it, asks Jezebel to fetch

her a flask of dark liquid, and pours a small amount into

the mazelike troughs carved into the box's surface. She

then tips the box so that the liquid flows in certain di-

rections through the mazelike patterns- until the box's

horn inlays pop loose and it breaks apart.

Inside the box is a stack of nine chain-linked plates,

each three inches on a side, cast of dark iron, and

stamped with Infernal runes. Anyone who understands

Infernal can translate the runes as follows:

Be it known to all that I, Thavius Kreeg, High Overseer of
Elturel, have sworn to my master, Zariel, lord of Avernus,
to keep the agreements contained in this oath.
I hereby submit to Zariel in all matters and for all time.
I will place Her above all creatures, living and dead. I will
obey Her all my days and beyond with fear and servility.
I recognize the dispensation of the device called the
Solar lnsidiator, hereafter called the Companion. In my
capacity as High Overseer of Elturel and its vassal terri-
tories, I acknowledge that all lands falling under the light
of the Companion are forfeit to Zariel. All persons bound
by oath to defend Elturel are also considered forfeit. I fur·
ther recognize that this dispensation will last fifty years,
after which the Companion will return whence it came,
taking Elturel and its oath-bound defenders with it, if that
is Zariel's wish.
All this is my everlasting pledge.

If Reya Mantlemorn is with the party, she is so stung

by the revelation that she collapses onto the floor

and weeps for Elturel. Bound to the city by the Creed

Resolute, she feels the imperative to return to it. "If

Zariel wants my soul," says Reya, "she's welcome to try
to take it."

Sylvira has this to say about the Shield of the Hidden
Lord and the devil imprisoned within it:

"This shield is a symbol of good's triumph over evil.
Gazing at such beauty, one can easily overlook the terri·
ble force bound within it. Gargauth is, I believe, its name,
though it calls itself the Hidden Lord. It was a pit fiend
sent by Asmodeus to corrupt mortals on the Material
Plane, and there it amassed such a following as to rival
that of gods. In that way, Gargauth became a sort of
demigod, and having worshipers increased its power
exponentially. My, how the mighty have fallen!
"This shield has the power to corrupt everything
around it. The Hhune family of Baldur's Gate has kept
it for years now. Doubtless they'll want it back, but this
shield should not be taken to any place where t housands
of mortals reside. It needs to be locked away in an ex-
tradimensional space, away from corruptible souls."

If the characters consider leaving the shield with Syl-
vira, Gargauth telepathically contacts the character with

the most influence in the party and suggests an alterna-

tive course of action:


"Take me to the Nine Hells, and I'll swear to serve you I
faithfully as both a guide and an advisor."

Gargauth's offer is genuine, for the fiend desperately
wants the shield taken to the Nine Hells. It believes (in-
correctly) that it will be able to escape the shield there.
Sylvira leaves it to the characters to decide what to do

with the shield. A small part of her is relieved if the char-

acters decide to take it with them, as she knows the evil

Knights of the Shield will never stop looking for it.


If the characters intend to save Elturel, Sylvira can pro-

vide them with a map of Avernus-the only such map

known to exist in Candlekeep. Unfold the poster map of

Avernus at this time and let the players study it. Sylvira
then gives the characters a word of caution:


"This map might not be entirely reliable," warns Sylvira. I
"Its creator went mad making it."

More information about how to use the poster map can

be found in chapter 3.

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