Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

of his soul. Pilster is preparing to sign the contract as

the characters come upon the pair.

The contract is written on parchment made of halfling

skin. If any character interrupts the signing and asks to

read the contract, the imp tells them this is none of their

business. Pilster welcomes the interruption, however,

since he is having second thoughts about the deal, and

he bands the contract to the characters. A successful

DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check penetrates the

dense and convoluted text of the contract-which will

give the imp the souls of Pilster's entire family if Pil-

ster signs it.

If the characters attack the imp, it turns invisible and

attempts to escape as quickly as possible. lf the char-

acters save Pilster from selling his soul, he thanks the

characters and begs them to get him and his family to

safety. His wife. Merrywile, and their three children

are nearby.

Treasure. In addition to the contract, the imp carries

a soul coin (see page 225) from a previous interaction
that it plans to give to its master.


A narzugoo (see page^239 for its stat block) patrols the

streets of Elturel on the back of a nightmare equipped

with infernal tack (see page 224). The devil has orders

to hunt down and destroy any demons that might have
s lipped past the battle on the ground below and gained
access to the city.

When Lulu sees the creature, she tells the characters

that it is very powerful and should not be confronted.



The characters see a charred humanoid corpse in the

middle of the street, clutching a silvered longsword in

its band. When any creature moves within 5 feet of the

corpse, a gout of hellfire erupts from it. Any creature

within 5 feet of the corpse must make a DC^12 Dexterity

saving throw, taking^14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed

save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Treasure. If the corpse is examined further, an intact

vial is found in its charred belt pouch. The vial contains
a potion of giant strength (frost).


A vrock fled the battle and flew up to the city to ponde r

its role in all things. As long as the characters leave it

a lone, it doesn't attack. If they approach, it speaks with

them, using its telepathy to communicate with one char-

acter at a time if none of the characters speaks Abyssal.

The vrock pontificates on the vagaries and possible

meanings of existence. If the characters treat it nicely,

indulge it in its ponderings, and s ucceed on a DC 13

Charisma (Persuasion) check, they can get it to do them
one s mall favor. If they attack it, the vrock repays their
hostility in kind.
Favors from the vrock might include providing infor-

mation about what's happening beneath the city, about

what forces guard the bridges between t he city's east

and west sections, or about the demons' plan to use a

portal to enter the city (see area Gl2 on page 69),

although it doesn't know where that portal is.


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