Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

No threats reveaJ themselves to the characters as they

enter the castle grounds. Once inside, they spot two hu-

mans in plate armor lying dead on the ground near the

shattered gate, blood still oozing from their bite wounds.

As the characters approach the center of the court-

yard, they see two h ell hounds standing guard in

front of the cathedral doors. These fiends have been

instructed by their devil masters to prevent any mortal

creatures from entering or leaving the cathedral.

The characters must defeat the hell hounds to gain

access to the cathedral. Have them make a DC 15

group Dexterity (Stealth) check to find cover amid the
rubble as they move. If half or more of the characters

succeed on their individual checks, the group check is

successful, allowing the characters to reach the base

of the cathedral steps without being noticed by the hell

hounds. This grants the characters surprise when the

fight begins.


Four groups of devils and their allies are moving

through the cathedral. These groups are spread out to

cause as much havoc as possible, and have orders to kill

everyone in their path.
As the DM, you can decide where the characters

encounter each of these groups. These encounters

are meant to be run separately, although running two

encounters back-to-back with no chance for the charac-

ters to rest or heal can be a good challenge for a pow-

erful party.

If you want to keep these encounters simple and

straightforward, you can have them take place in loca-

tions with no strange effects or hazards. If you want to

make an encounter more interesting, have the combat

take place during a quake (see the "Elturel Hazards"

sidebar, page 55). If you want a fight to go easier for

the characters, have some of the foes withdraw or have

some NPC survivors assist the characters.

Most of the survivors currently in the cathedral are

preparing for a last stand in the main crypts (area H16),

so that area should be free of devils unless the charac-

ters arrive there just as the devils do.


This group is led by the mastermind behind the raid

on the cathedral: Victuusa, a white abishai (see page

241 for its stat block). Victuusa serves both Tiamat and

Zariel in an attempt to gain the most favor, and is pres-

ently searching for the leaders of the Elturel resistance.

It wants nothing more than to deliver the heads of those

leaders to Zariel personally. Victuusa leads six lawful

evil human cultists devoted to Zariel.


A barbed devil named Dreb marshals a pack of eight

giant crabs through the cathedral. These crabs look

and act like normal giant crabs, except for the spines

protruding from their shells and the vile brimstone

smell they exude. The clacking of the crabs' claws on the

marble floors of the cathedral makes it impossible for

this group to sneak up on anyone.

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